Spinal Cord Stimulation Specialist

Alpenglow Pain & Wellness
Board Certified Interventional Pain Management Physicians & Board Certified Anesthesiologists located in Anchorage, AK
Spinal cord stimulation is an innovative treatment method involving a small implanted electrical device that blocks pain signals. In Anchorage, Alaska, Dr. Nichelle C. Renk offers the Nevro HF10® spinal cord stimulation device as a successful, consistent, and long-lasting solution that gives you greater control over how and when to treat your pain. To learn more about this revolutionary treatment, call the office or schedule your personal consultation here on the website.
Spinal Cord Stimulation Q & A
HF10: How It Works
What is spinal cord stimulation?
Chronic pain is long-standing and accompanied by a chronic health condition or persists beyond the normally expected recovery period. With chronic pain, abnormal pain signals are sent through the spinal cord to the brain.
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) brings pain relief by delivering a consistent low-voltage electrical current through the spinal cord to block pain sensations. This treatment is also effective for chronic pain in the back, legs, and arms.
How does spinal cord stimulation work?
Dr. Renk offers the Nevro HF10 SCS system. The first step is implanting the device on a trial basis of three to eight days, to allow you and Dr. Renk to assess the effectiveness of the device in managing your pain.
For your trial, Dr. Renk applies a local anesthetic to numb the area, and you lay on your stomach. Guided by live video X-ray, Dr. Renk gently inserts a hollow needle through your skin and into the epidural space between your spinal cord and bone.
Next, she inserts the temporary electrode wires through the needle and positions them over specific nerves. The wires are attached to an external pulse generator that you wear on a special belt.
What can I expect during my spinal cord stimulation procedure?
SCS is a one-hour procedure that involves light sedation, and you typically return home the same day.
Similar to the trial, you lay on your stomach, Dr. Renk applies local anesthetic, and she refers to a live video X-ray to gently insert the slender electrode wires through a hollow needle.
Next, Dr. Renk makes a small incision in the middle of your back to expose the vertebrae and may need to remove a small portion of the bony arch to make room to place the wires. Dr. Renk secures the wires with sutures in the epidural space above your spinal cord.
Finally, Dr. Renk passes the wires under your skin from your spine to your buttock, where she makes a small pocket. Using a small incision, Dr. Renk places the compact battery-powered pulse generator in the pocket under your skin before closing the incision.
You can use your SCS device 24 hours a day, even when you sleep and drive. The implanted parts can be turned off or removed at any time. When recharging your device, you wear a special charger belt.
To discover the pain-relieving convenience of SCS, call to visit Dr. Renk.
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