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5 Practical Ways to Prevent Arthritis Complications

5 Practical Ways to Prevent Arthritis Complications

Arthritis-related joint pain can flare up unexpectedly, limiting your activities and worsening your overall quality of life. Your arthritis may not be curable, but you can manage it with the right approach, saving you from painful episodes and slowing arthritis progression.

At Alpenglow Pain & Wellness of Anchorage, Alaska, interventional pain management specialist Dr. Nichelle Renk supports your arthritis management regimen. She takes a holistic approach to pain medicine, as well as state-of-the-art diagnostic testing methods and treatment techniques. 

Take a moment as Dr. Renk suggests five practical ways to protect yourself from arthritis complications.

1. Focus on your joints

It can be easy to move without thinking, and few people consider their joints when at rest. However, if you’re living with arthritis, paying more attention to your joints could reduce your number of pain days.

Think about your posture. Make sure your body is properly aligned so you don’t overstress joints that are already feeling the effects of arthritis. Whether you’re sitting, standing, or lying down, consider your joints’ position, and make adjustments as needed to prevent pain symptoms from flaring up.

Avoid activities that put too much stress on affected joints. That includes both acute stress and repetitive stress. When you think specifically about protecting your joints, you can make better decisions about the right activities for you.

2. Keep yourself moving

Pain conditions like arthritis may cause you to move less. However, regular, gentle movement is best. Daily stretches help your joints maintain their full range of motion.

Dealing with arthritis doesn’t change the recommendation that adults get at least 2½ hours of physical activity each week. However, you can explore low-impact activities like swimming, yoga, or cycling. 

By staying active, you reduce your pain symptoms, improve your physical function, and prevent your condition from progressing and limiting you physically.

3. Use heat and cold therapies

You can use both heat and cold to naturally relieve arthritis pain and reduce inflammation in your body. For short-term relief from aches and pains, use heat. Soak in a hot bath for 30 minutes, or apply a heating pad to the painful area for no more than 20 minutes.

To reduce inflammation after getting active, use cold therapy applications like an ice pack for 20 minutes at a time. Take care not to burn or freeze your skin during applications of heat or cold therapy.

4. Reach and maintain a healthy body weight

Maintaining a healthy body weight may slow the progression of your arthritis symptoms. With less body weight to support, your body experiences less stress. 

Losing even a small amount of weight makes a difference, especially if you’re overweight or obese. Nutritional counseling with Dr. Renk can help you get started with healthy weight loss.

5. Improve your pain psychology

Physical pain and emotional symptoms often go hand-in-hand. People with arthritis have a heightened risk of depression. At the same time, you can use pain psychology to improve your outlook, which often has a positive effect on your physical symptoms over time. 

Complementary wellness therapies like acupuncture may also improve your physical and emotional health.

Dr. Renk designs your joint pain treatment plan around your diagnosis and physical needs, as well as your lifestyle and current health. 

For personalized support with arthritis, including strategies to prevent complications and slow its progression, contact Alpenglow Pain & Wellness online or over the phone to schedule an appointment today.

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